The Advocates For Seniors

The Advocates For Seniors is built on the belief that every senior deserves an Advocate fighting for them when it comes to all things Medicare/Medicaid. My core belief is you are someone's mom, dad, or grandparent.

When my mom was transitioning off group benefits to full Medicare, she needed an Advocate to walk her and my stepdad through the maze of Medicare. The next 12 months were my mom's last. Because I was able to step in and set her up on the correct plan my mom and stepdad did not face financial ruin.

My 20 years of experience means the difference in making sure you are protected correctly or not. I see each one of my clients as my own mom. Fill out the contact us form today and I will reach out to you. God bless you.

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Proudly serving all of Texas.

Contact Us

Mike Capricciuolo
The Advocates For Seniors

(817) 680-6251

1609 N Highway 174
Rio Vista, TX 76093
