$195.00* & FREE Shipping
Updated in January, 2024
"Veterans Law
and Claims Procedures for Maintaining VA Accreditation"
ONLINE VIDEO (3 hours) & Online Claim Support Folder
Includes the 2025 "Complete Application Handbook"
Links to the Online Modules and Claim Support Folder will be emailed to you immediately after purchase. The Certificate of Completion and Handbook will ship via mail.
* 1 course per user. Volume discounts available for additional course certificates. Please contact us to discuss.
Course Reviews | Authority | Samples | State CLE | Annual Certificate
This Continuing Legal Education Course (updated on January 18, 2024) is approved by several state bar associations and meets qualification requirements (through 2025) under 38 C.F.R. § 14.629. It will satisfy the mandated first year CLE requirements or any ongoing CLE on veterans law and procedures required every two years.
State MCLE Credits*
This course, along with qualifying nationwide to satisfy VA's CLE requirements, is also pre-approved for state CLE credits in Florida (3.5 credits), Georgia (3 credits), Illinois (3 credits), North Carolina (3 credits), Ohio (3 credits), and Washington (3 credits).
*Must be submitted within 30 days of purchase.
What You Get with this Course and what Makes this Course Better than other Courses
The most comprehensive book ever produced, The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Veterans & Survivors Benefits: A Complete Application Handbook (2025 Edition), on how to apply for a variety of VA Benefits and how to win decision reviews and appeals.
State Bar CLE Credits in pre-approved states and instructions on how to obtain credit in states that have not pre-approved our course
An online video presentation that educates and provides useful instruction instead of just informing
PDF versions of the detailed video slides for reviewing and understanding concepts
Up-to-date details on the new PACT ACT of 2022, Nehmer claims, new presumptive diseases and service locations and dates for Agent Orange exposure
Up-to-date details on all of the major changes in the rules to include textbook instruction on the rules for Pension with aid and attendance and the new process for unfavorable decisions and appeals under the Appeals Modernization Act
Step-by-step instructions on filing successful claims and a unique method for winning more appeals to include all of the necessary forms and support evidence
A pre-printed "Certificate of Completion" with detailed instructions for submission to simplify and safeguard your notifying the Office of General Counsel of your completed training
Future follow-up from our staff to remind you of submitting your yearly VA good standing certification and also notifying you of your next anniversary for CLE training
An online claim support folder. This folder, continually updated by our staff, contains Application Forms (Pension, Compensation, Health Care, Burial, and more...), Decision Review Forms, Supplemental / Supportive Forms, Checklists (instructions for each type of claim), Intake Center Mailing/Faxing Information, 2025 Benefit Rates, Case Studies, Disability Benefit Questionnaires, and Reference material to include Title 38 CFR and the M21-1, Adjudication Procedures Manual. Link is available after purchase.
Video Course Outline
- Instructions - Submitting Course Completion to VA - 8 minutes
- Module 1 - Representation before VA - 15:30 minutes
- Module 2 - Disability Compensation and How to Apply - 60 minutes
- Module 3 - DIC and How to Apply - 19:30 minutes
- Module 4 - Understanding VA Pension, Survivor Pension and How to Apply - 47:30 minutes
- Module 5 - The Modernized Review System - 39:30 minutes