Always Caring of Connecticut

Always Caring of Connecticut provides senior care services, including non-medical home care and memory care, for patients in Westport, Greenwich, Ridgefield, Darien, Fairfield, Wilton, CT and beyond. Our services are available in towns throughout the state of Connecticut by request. Always Caring of Connecticut provides care for patients with a range of health issues, matching them up with the seasoned caregiver who can best assist them.

We provide a range of home care services tailored to the needs of our clients. Our in-home care is available hourly starting at 4 hours to a full 24-hours. We provide a caregiver to meet the needs of our clients 24 hours a day 7 days a week either in 12-hour shifts or as a live-in service. With Always Caring of Connecticut, you can always feel at ease knowing your loved ones who need extra care are in good hands and getting the care they need at home.

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Service Area

Fairfield, Westport, Greenwich, Ridgefield, Darien, Wilton and the rest of Connecticut!

Contact Us

Mark Basler

(203) 557-4355

29 E Main Street
Westport, CT 06880


Client Testimonial

I would like to take a moment and express my gratitude to Always Caring of Connecticut and their entire staff. I have been most impressed with your professionalism, response time, and open communication since day one. Your team of trained caregivers are amazing at providing care for our mother, who as you know is in the mid stages of dementia. I can't thank you enough for treating her with dignity, love, and respect. Your services make it possible for her to live at home instead of a care facility. You are always accommodating and available at any hour. Thank you truly for allowing our family to feel at ease, especially when we're not around.

- LB