Aging Concepts, LLC

Mary Jo JohnsonWe provide Care Management Services to assist with aging and health related needs. We evaluate, plan, coordinate, and monitor health services and transitional care needs. We arrange for services in the home and aftercare follow-up from the hospital. We schedule appointments and help with pre-registration, navigating patient portals, and insurance payments. We provide transportation and attend appointments with you. We advocate, educate, and communicate with family. We arrange for respite care as needed and serve as a caregiver coach.

We also serve as a Travel Companion for local or long-distance travel assuring safety and ease regardless of impairment (mobility, hearing, vision, speech, cognition, anxieties, etc.). We make it possible for you to relocate near family, achieve a bucket list dream, or attend a family event: birth, birthday, graduation, wedding, anniversary, reunion, funeral, etc. Or you may wish to attend a favorite sporting event or go fishing. You name it and we will try to make it possible.

About Mary Jo

Mary Jo Johnson's career has been tirelessly devoted to senior living since 1988, with a particular passion for dementia care. Her professional passion turned deeply personal when her father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and lived at an innovative memory care facility she led in the design and was the Director. Mary Jo has presented at numerous workshops, conferences, and community educational forums. She was the founder and previous owner of Stone Lodge Memory Care, and previous life care coordinator at Kimbrough Law. Currently, she is founder of Aging Concepts, LLC, as an Aging Life Care Professional with Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) and a Certified Care Manager with National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM).

Mary Jo has her master's degree in public administration (MPA) from Western Michigan University. She was honored to be the recipient of WMU School of Public Affairs and Administration's 2002 'Dr. George James Award' for outstanding community service and innovative problem solving for her work in dementia car.

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Service Area

Northeast Georgia: Athens-Clarke, Franklin, Stephens, Hall, Barrow, Jackson, Madison and Hart Counties.

Contact Us

Mary Jo Johnson, MPA, CMC

(706) 206-6163

Hartwell, Georgia


Client Testimonials

I've seen other people with elderly parents try to manage things without help from a care coordinator. They end up taking on a lot of burden themselves. Their visits home turn into caregiving work sessions. Doctors' appointments. Home repairs. Shopping. Cooking. Constant problem-solving. If I didn't have Mary Jo, that's what would happen to me and my siblings. We would come to visit and end up spending all our time taking care of things for Dad. Don't get me wrong, those things are important. But if Mary Jo can oversee the people who are taking care of these things, I get to spend my precious moments with my dad as his son, rather than a caregiver. That's worth a lot to me.

- Chris

Mary Jo, meeting you was a God send. You very graciously listened to me ramble on about my husband's illness. Then you took the time to send me the year long devotional by Billy Graham. What an incredible gift! I so appreciate your patience and thoughtfulness. You are an amazing person I am blessed God put in my life's journey. Sincere Thankfulness.

- Linda